Thursday, February 07, 2008

God is Good!...

... that's the main motto of the actor Joe Pesci.

And this is my first success of the year 2008!
Sent 24 Dec 2007 to LOVE RANCH movie set.

I am attaching a scan as what is so great about is that as many people were saying that his FALLU PRODUCTION successes were autopenned - this one looks signed completely real. Although same expression (with a little addition):
Leon, God is Good. Try 2 B 2!
But this looks like it is signed by real hand rather than machine and signature doesn't look like autopen at all. I am so happy about it. Too bad I was skeptical about his reply and didn't enclose more photos. Just one collage.

Joe Pesci
c/o Capitol Films
c/o “LOVE RANCH” feature production office
9201 Pan American Freeway NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87113

Recd: today 7 Feb 2008
It may be still filming till end of February.



Thursday, March 22, 2007

Director's Success - CHRISTOPHER NOLAN


This is getting cool, when you receive the successes in 2 consecutive days in a row.
Today I received my Christopher Nolan printout collage signed (SP).
Too bad that he just signed it - not inscribed.
But stil I am very happy. MEMENTO and BATMAN BEGINS I consider one of the best thriller movies I seen.

The pic arrived slightly bended and with scraps but it's still ok.

The only thing I regret I sent only one picture...

Sent to film set in U.K.



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

SPACEBALLS! (George Wyner)

Today, after a long delay (thus silence from me) I have received a reply from George Wyner (SPACEBALLS).
He signed and isncribed my printout collage 11x8" and also added his own 10x8 BW ISP.
Both pictures from SPACEBALLS. What is nice of him to add a cardboard and to add extra postage for it.
Took slightly more than 2 months. This autograph matches the one I got several years ago. One interesting thing (not so good) is that his 10x8 was a xerocopy of a presskit still (not a real photo), so the quality is not so good, however signature is real and it's the main thing.

George Wyner
3450 Laurie Pl.
Studio City, CA 91604

Sent: 8-Jan-2007
Recd: 21-Mar-2007
Time: 72 days

Last time it took me more than a year to get a reply from him. Now looks like this popular Mel Brooks' character
in signing mood. Thanks Larry for the tip!



Thursday, November 16, 2006

Rayment Bros - The MATRIX RELOADED twins

Hi Folks,

Today got brilliant MATRIX RELOADED success from UK: Rayment Bros (Andrian, Neil) -- villaneous Twins from MATRIX RELOADED.
The package was huge - they have sent/signed a total of 8 photos to me (including 2 extra that they added) (2 of my other photos were signed to my friends). I uploaded here only 4 of them.
The inscribtions are simply outstanding. One (first photo) was a qoute from the movie:
"We are getting aggrivated with Leon...", "Yes we are".

The last photo shown - is from their stock. It looks like made from MATRIX RELOADED premiere and they look just cool.

PLUS --- I was shocked - they sent me a small 6x8" notepad with holographic Matrix reloaded cover and inside signed and inscribed.

They added a lot of postage for that notepad!!!! Certainly a very nice gesture of them.
I am very happy with this one...
I used their current agency address in the UK:

Mr. Adrian Rayment, Mr. Neil Rayment
85 Shorrolds Road, Fulham
London SW6 7TU

I used SASE with UK postage (they added more postage for the extra stuff!)

Sent: 17-July-2006, Rced: 15-Nov-2006, Time: 121 days

That's it for now!

Leon aka Smitty, Off!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Jean Reno - 'Leon to Leon'

Hi everyone,

Today I got back autograph from Jean Reno, a legendary French actor, who is notorious for playing tough guys of various kind (RONIN, CRIMSON RIVERS, LEON, DA VINCI CODE).

He is currently performing with the play Les Grandes Occasions in Paris and the show will be on for a couple of months I believe.

He signed 2 photos for me, one of RONIN fame and the second of LEON fame.

I used sase with French stamps which one of my friends sent me (thanks Lika).

Here's the address.
c/o “Les Grandes Occasions”
c/o Le Théâtre Edouard VII
10, Place Edouard VII
75009 Paris

It took only 13 days to get a reply.

Friday, September 15, 2006

JULIA WINTER - A nice 'bad' girl

Some photos...

and the letter...

Today (monday) when I get to my work (I use my office address on my SASEs) I got envelope from England. I opened it up and it appears to be from Julia Winter aka "Veruca Salt" from CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.

I am very happy. The first is that this is the first autograph to come back in September and second that it's been a month since my last success and third, I kinda lost hope on that one. I wrote to Julia in about February or something. And whilst I saw many people getting responces I though she decided not to answer mine.... But I was wrong!

What I got:
I got 3 of my printouts signed and inscribed (I sent);+
I got 4 of her 5x7 bw and color portrait photos lovely signed and inscribed (she sent!!!)+
one similar to one of the above 5x7 photo signed and inscribed to one of my friends.
+BIG WOW! - inside there was a 6x6" envelope with 6x6" double postcard with a LOVELY and quite big letter.

That's it.

Jula Winterc/o Sasha Leslie Mgmt.34 Pember Road,London NW10 5LSUnited Kingdom
Took 212 days

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

'Funky Spaceman' - Mr. Richard T. Jones

Hi All,

Today I got another success (after almost a month of dry time). I didn't expected a success a second day in a row, so that was a great surprize. And much greater surprize was inside the SASE. When I opened it up I couldn't believe it.

I don't know if you know about my passion to the EVENT HORIZON (1997) thriller movie. I collect everything from it. Got most of the cast. Actually about all. The only person that I didn't had was Richard T. Jones who was portraying 'funky spaceman', rescue technician Cooper. I have written to him in the past for more than 5 times, actually I think it's closer to 10 since the start of my EH cast collection. He never replied. After I once called to his agency they DID sent me his generic 10x8 SP, but I was not happy about it as I really wanted to have his character photo(s) signed and preferably dedicated to me.

Now it's all came to an happy end. After all these years of retries, he did replied to me. This is actually a reply that I sent in September last year (I was started to think about sending again this year!) - so that was out for about a year.

He signed and sweetly dedicated two 10x8 color photos I made from Event Horizon scans. Really great quality photos. He also signed SP one 6x8 photo which I am going to send to my EH collecting buddy Tom. Finally he typed and signed a letter to me (short note) where he thanked me for support and wrote that my letter was misplaced and his wife found it and he gladly replies to it. This is very nice of him.

I am very happy.

OK I counted the number of my retries - this was a request number 6.

1505 10TH STREET
CA 90401-2854

Sent: Sept 2005
Recd: 12.Sept.2006

That's it.

PS: This year is unbelievably good for my EH cast member collection.
I got nice photos of Sean Pertwee ("Smith"), Joely Richardson ("Starck"), Jack Noseworthy ("Justin!"), Paul (W.S.) Anderson (Director) and Peter Marinker ("Captain Kilpack").
The ones that I still want is a Kathleen Quinlan (that would be a repeat, I already have one photo, but want a better one), Laurence Fishburne (also have one MATRIX photo signed, but want EH one) and lesser known actor Noah Huntley who portrayed "Burning Man".