Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My name is BOND, Pierce Brosnan

Hi Guys,

I've been waiting for this few days. As Melanie (my friend) got her success from Liam Neeson and said that some people received something from Pierce Brosnan c/o SERAPHIM FALLS - I've been crazy like a monkey. As I also sent to SERAPHIM FALLS not to Neeson but to Brosnan.

Indeed some people reported on Star Archive 2 successes as of yesterday c/o that movie set. Today I thought - since it's almost a week they got and presumable he signs for everyone hopefully including me - I should be getting him. So when walking to pick up today's post in the office I was literally crossing my fingers and saying Pierce Brosnan,Pierce Brosnan,Pierce Brosnan....Well.

I got him.
There was envelope with 3 (I usually put 2 80cents) stamps on SASE. And I was almost 100% sure it was from Brosnan as I had put extra stamp to make sure it reaches me regardless of number of photos .Indeed.

Got my pictures back signed and inscribed. Two ISP, one SP and one for my friend Gareth (ISP). As Gareth was also very kind to help me with stamps some days I icnluded him on this ocassion.

Anyway - I am extremely happy topday. Pierce was to me like a 'thundergod'.
I wish my late letter to Liam Neeson taht I am going to send only today willbe as successful as this. Don't put the address and dates as I don't have my log handy but if anyo neneeds it I can dig that up.

Sent approximately 20-25 days ago to New Mexico address c/o SERAPHIM FALLS.

Regarding authenticity - I believe this is 100% genuine signature as it matches perfectly my 2001 year success from c/o IRISH DREAMTIME that I was the first to write there. He also wrote 'life' as on these inscribtions. So that's definately him.




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